Lehepunkt pakub eri tellimusena ajakirja “Sir Alex the Greatest”, 84 lk. Kui on huvi andke kiiresti teada kas kommentaaridesse või info@devilsestonia.org aadressile. Paari tunni jooksul lüüakse tellijate list kinni. Kaanehinnaks saab umbes 10 eurot olema.

Tegu eriväljaandega, mis võtab kokku Sir Alex Fergusoni karjääri ja kajastab ka praeguseid viimaseid treeneriameti päevi. Inglise keelne sisukirjeldus:

This morning (08.05.13) it was announced that Sir Alex Ferguson will step down as Manchester United manager at the end of the season after 26 years in charge.

Sport Media (the publishers of the Daily Mirror in the UK) are pleased to bring to you one of the first titles to the market covering the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson. They will be using archive footage from their records and taking the photograph that will be taken this weekend showing Sir Alex lifting the Premier League trophy at his home ground – a fitting tribute to an unrivalled reign.

Other titles from this publisher include TITANIC (published February 12) ELIZABETH PORTRAIT OF A QUEEN Sir Alex has won 38 trophies during his reign at Old Trafford and will now become a director and ambassador for the club. His haul includes 13 league titles, two Champions League crowns, five FA Cups and four League Cups.


UK-s läheb ajakiri müüki 17.05.2013 kuupäeval ja Eestisse jõuab see umbes 10 päeva jooksul.

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