Inglise liiga treenerite assotsiatsioon kaudu andis Moyes teada järgmist (esimene teks inglise keeles ja teine tõlgitult eesti keelde):

“To have been appointed as manager of Manchester United, one of the biggest football clubs in the world, was and remains something of which I will always be incredibly proud.

Taking charge after such a long period of continuous stability and success at the club was inevitably going to be a significant challenge, but it was one which I relished and never had a second thought about taking on.

The scale of the manager’s job at United is immense, but I have never stepped away from hard work and the same applies to my coaching staff. I thank them for their dedication and loyalty throughout the last season.

We were fully focused and committed to the process of the fundamental rebuilding that is required for the senior squad. This had to be achieved whilst delivering positive results in the Barclays Premier League and the Champions League. However, during this period of transition, performances and results have not been what Manchester United and its fans are used to or expect, and I both understand and share their frustration.

In my short time at the club I have learnt what special places Old Trafford and Carrington are. I would like to thank the United staff for making me feel so welcome and part of the United family from my first day. And of course thank you to those fans who have supported me throughout the season. I wish you and the club all the best for the future.

I have always believed that a manager never stops learning during his career and I know I will take invaluable experience from my time as United’s manager. I remain proud to have led the team to the quarter finals of this year’s Champions League and I remain grateful to Sir Alex Ferguson for believing in my ability and giving me the chance to manage Manchester United”. leidsin ka Eesti keelse tõlke, lisan selle siia:

“Olles nimetatud Manchester Unitedi, ühe maailma edukaima jalgpalliklubi läbi aegade, peatreeneriks oli ja jääb see millekski mille üle ma saan alatiseks uhke olla,” sõnas Moyes.

“Võtta klubi üle nii pikaajaliselt peatreenerilt, olles mänginud stabiilselt edukalt, oli partamatult raske ülesanne, aga ma nautisin seda ja ei mõelnud hetkekski keeldumisest,” lausus šotlane.

“Pinge Manchester Unitedi peatreener olles on meeletu, aga ma ei astunud kunagi kõrvale tugevast tööst ning seda ei teinud ka teised treenerid. Ma tänan neid pingutuste ja lojaalsuse eest läbi hooaja,” kiitis Moyes abilisi.

Samuti tänab Moyes fänne, kes temasse lõpuni uskusid: “Ja muidugi ma tänan fänne, kes meid läbi hooaja toetasid. Ma soovin neile ja klubile kõike head tulevikuks.”

“Ma jään uhkeks selle üle, et ma viisin meeskonna Meistrite liiga veerandfinaali ja ma jään tänulikuks Sir Alex Fergusonile, et uskus minu võimetesse ja andis mulle võimaluse juhendada Manchester Unitedit,” võttis Moyes Unitedi aja kokku.

Enne Manchester Unitedi peatreenerina ametisse asumist pikalt Evertoni juhendanud Moyes usub, et säärane kogemus võib tulevikus kasukski tulla: “Ma olen alati uskunud, et treener õpib terve oma karjääri ja ma võtan Unitedi asjast kaasa hindamatu kogemuse.”

Inglismaa meediaväljannete sõnul olid mängijate ning Moyese vahelised suhted kõike muud kui head ning endisel peatreeneril puudus usaldus hoolealuste seas.